Monday, May 2, 2011

Kicking Puppies!

Have you ever kicked a puppy? Have you ever felt the urge to punt it across the living room?

If you have you are going to hate your self in the morning! Too often do we find ourselves in an "existential quandary full of loathing and self doubt." Do not fill the void in your life with the evil habit of kicking small animals. Hailee wants to punt a duck! You may ask yourself, why? No one really knows what is going through her gradumacated mind. And you do not have to! Just know that if you ever have the urge to kick a duck that you will always think about Hailee, "The Duck Punter."

I have kicked a dog before but only because it was chasing me as a missionary on my bike. I have also hit a duck I think while driving a car many years ago.

Cliff had a crush on Chelsea (not the real spelling of her name according to Cliff) who is married and has children. The day she got married Cliff felt like his heart was ripped from his tender man chest and thrown to the ground. Poor Cliff Chandler!

Hailee's worst experience ever came when a man, who she knew not, showed up at a haunted forest and attacked her with a flame thrower of death carrying ducks. Hence her desire to punt them. OH BOY!

Dear Hailee,
Please stop punting ducks. It hurts them! How would you feel if people punted you?
Your Stalker,

As I sit here on the porch of LIFE, I wonder what to do. Should I kick a duck or a puppy? Some would say, "Neither you quack!" Pardon the pun! HE HE HE!

To all of you reading this you are probably wondering what this post is about. It is about nothing, but I hope you enjoyed it.


Thursday, February 24, 2011

I Will Find It!

What should I do?

Every now and again you like people. You like a girl that knows you exist but it feels like things are so different that it just isn't going to work out. Maybe I'm just thinking too much or I'm hoping for something that may never ever be there. But to hope is what keeps us alive. To hope provides man with the opportunity to live and live well and with joy. I've had so many different ups and downs and so many times that I have been have to care about others. When the heart feels happiness nothing can stop you from doing anything you set your mind to.

When you like someone it can change your whole world around. It can open doors you never thought possible. You think of them and you light up. You feel happy. You want to be with them and enjoy their company. You want the best for them and just want them to care for you the way you care for them. I've seen it in the lives of those I love around me. My brothers and their wives care deeply for one another and you can see the change it has brought into their own lives. One greater love comes than that of a parent who loves their children. My brothers would do anything to protect their kids and family and show that love in the way they play with them and do activities with them and just be with them.

This is the love that makes man better, the Love that Christ speaks of and the love that will save lives and bring us all closer together. Someday I will find that love and I cannot wait for it to happen. But until that day I must wait and wait I must. The Lord knows me and only wants the best for me. All I can hope is that I am patient and do what he asks of me. I must love him the way he loves me and the way my parents and family love me.

My hope is that someday I will find that woman that makes me feel like I can do anything. I hope to be able to find the woman that helps me become better than I am and to enjoy life even more so than I do now. The woman that makes me a better man. I know that it is my responsibility to become better than who I am before marriage, but I can only go so far until I find the woman who makes me even better. I know I'm not perfect and I have quite a ways to go, but I hope I can find the woman who will help me do that with the Lords help.

What do you think?